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Electromagnetic Overhead Crane for Steel Warehouse

Electromagnetic Overhead Crane
Electromagnetic Overhead Crane

Why Need to Buy Electromagnetic Overhead Crane

Electromagetic overhead crane can help hand materials, scrap steel, pieces of iron and scrap iron, seperate the metal to the waste, especially also can help you load and transport elecromagetic black metal materials(as steel ingot, merchant steel, pig iron ). it is definitely a right decision to choose buy our electrigetic overhead crane for safety and improving work efficiency.


Component of the Electromagnetic Overhead Crane

It’s equipped with:
1. box shape bridge frame;
2. crane travelling mechanism;
3. trolley;
4. accessible electromagnetic plate;
5. electric equipment;
6. cabin operating
7. rain-proof equipment (when in outside)

    Customize Your Lifting Solutions

    Contact us now via email: inquiry@aicranes.com, or fill in the form below.

    Please refer to the following tips

    1.The product you need:

    2.What will the product be used for:

    3.Product specs: (lifting capacity, span, lifting height)

    4.Project introduction: (project working site, project budget, etc)

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