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Aicrane® Overhead Crane & Gantry Crane In Uzberkistan


23 Sets of Overhead Crane Shipped to Uzbekistan

Since December 2020, our client has ordered 23 sets of overhead crane from Aicrane,, including 21 sets of HD single ...

5 ton Overhead Crane for Steel Factory

NLH 5 ton overhead crane, it is equipped with electric hoist to lifting heavy objects in warehouse, our clients has ...

10 ton Overhead Crane in Uzberkistan

Our mission is providing most suitbale heavy duty lifting equipmemnt for our clients from all around the word, from light ...

LH 10T Double Girder Overhead Crane

Double girder overhead crane is designed to move, lift or transport heavy materials, which is are widely used for transferring ...

Multi-pivots Electric Single-Beam Suspension Overhead Crane

The multi-pivots electric single-girder suspension overhead crane is a special purpose travelling crane, it is specially designed and produced to ...

10ton Gantry Crane for Lifting Concrete Slab

Choosing a gantry crane must consider various aspects, the most important is the experience of the heavy crane supplier, supplier ...

30 ton Semi Gantry Crane in Uzberkistan

Semi gantry crane is a kind of gantry crane with one supporting legs, and the other side of the crane ...

    Hubungi Kami Sekarang!

    Tertarik dengan produk kami? Silakan kirimkan pertanyaan Anda dalam formulir di bawah ini.

    Silakan tentukan kebutuhan Anda dengan mengacu pada aspek-aspek berikut:

    • 1. Jenis produk apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk proyek Anda?
      overhead crane, gantry crane, marine winch, mobile boat hoist, dll.

    • 2. Parameter utamanya?
      Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat, rentang, kapasitas tali, dll.

    • 3. Di mana Anda akan menggunakan produk kami, seperti di pabrik, marina, dll?

    • 4. Kapan proyek ini akan berjalan?

    • Jika Anda memiliki persyaratan atau kebutuhan khusus, mohon jelaskan di sini agar kami dapat melayani Anda dengan lebih baik!