30 ton Semi Gantry Crane in Uzberkistan

Semi gantry crane is a kind of gantry crane with one supporting legs, and the other side of the crane need to run on the building track, compared with overhead crane, it will save some cost and sapce of the warehouse, here are two sets of 30 ton semi gantry crane working on the warehouse.

single girder semi gantry crane

Specific Parameters:

Products Details: Capacity: 30 ton
Span: 12m
Lifting Height: 5m
Work Duty: A4
Customer’s Initial Inquiry Content: I am looking for semi gantry crane for factory to load/unload max 30 ton cargos, please help us and recommend suiable crane.
semi gantry crane from AICRANE®


When asking for a quote, please give us the following information:
1, Load capacity? Span? lifting height? power voltage? cantilever length? With the parameters,we can give you precision offer for your need, if you have any doubt on it, please contact us directly online.

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    Silakan tentukan kebutuhan Anda dengan mengacu pada aspek-aspek berikut:

    • Jenis produk apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk proyek Anda?
      overhead crane, gantry crane, marine winch, mobile boat hoist, dll.

    • Parameter utamanya?
      Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat, rentang, kapasitas tali, dll.

    • Di mana Anda akan menggunakan produk kami, seperti di pabrik, marina, dll?

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