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LD 10ton Overhead Crane in Argentina


10 ton LD single girder overhead travelling crane used in warehouse for handling iron and steel processing parts.

10 Ton Overhead Crane in Argentina

Our Argentina client already had a workshop before, it is mainly used for the production of the steel beam, pipe fabrication, When he went into production for a few months, he realized it is vital to buy a overhead crane for materials handling in the workshop. Due to the workshop of the iron and steel processing parts workshop has been completed, beside considering the max lifting capacity, we also need to customize overhead crane to go match with the design of the workshop dimension ( width, height, length, etc).


High Quality, Perfect Service

The LD 10 ton single girder overhead crane is produced within one month, now our overhead crane has finished the installation and is already in use, the quality and work efficiency of the Aicrane® LD 10 ton overhead crane help won the satisfaction of the client.

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    Silakan tentukan kebutuhan Anda dengan mengacu pada aspek-aspek berikut:

    • Jenis produk apa yang Anda butuhkan untuk proyek Anda?
      overhead crane, gantry crane, marine winch, mobile boat hoist, dll.

    • Parameter utamanya?
      Kapasitas angkat, tinggi angkat, rentang, kapasitas tali, dll.

    • Di mana Anda akan menggunakan produk kami, seperti di pabrik, marina, dll?

    • Kapan proyek ini akan berjalan?

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